The motivation and the involvement of the teams appeared to the leaders of the Institution as the essential factors undermining the productivity of the CSE. The general management therefore decides to undertake an organizational and social diagnosis in order to examine in depth the causes of the problem and ensure that its organizational choices are consistent with its productivity issues.
Les solutions proposées :
– Diagnostic des problèmes organisationnels (structure organisationnelle, modes de coordination, relations hiérarchiques, etc.)
– Analyse des problèmes RH et sociaux de l’entreprise (relations de travail, stratégie de motivation, implication, management des équipes opérationnelles, politique d’évaluation des personnels, systèmes de rémunérations, etc.)
– Mise en œuvre de l’approche participative de diagnostic (Techniques de Résolution des Problèmes en Groupe) ;
– Organisation d’un workshop d’analyse des causes du problème d’insuffisance de productivité
– Focus group avec le CoDir et le Directeur Général la co-construction des solutions
The proposed solutions:
– Diagnosis of organizational problems (organizational structure, modes of coordination, hierarchical relations, etc.)
– Analysis of the HR and social problems of the company (labor relations, motivation strategy, involvement, management of operational teams, personnel evaluation policy, compensation systems, etc.)
– Implementation of the participative diagnostic approach (Group Problem Solving Techniques);
– Organization of a workshop to analyze the causes of the problem of insufficient productivity
– Focus group with CoDir and General Manager co-construction of solutions