Technical Assistance for HR capacity building of Agents and Human Resources offices

MINISTRY OF NATIONAL EDUCATION (SÉNÉGAL) │ Institutional Strengthening in Strategic HR Management
Education - Training

The Ministry of National Education brings together more than 50% of civil servants, nearly 125,000 civil servants deployed throughout the country. Most of the management of the ministry is done by career teachers, with very little knowledge or experience in managing organizations. This practice has led over the years to a deficit of specialists in certain specific areas of management. Also at the level of the inspections, the observation remains the same, especially at the level of the human resources offices (BRH), where the existing staff manages the HR files without any basic HRM training. This situation makes it difficult to connect or interact between the less trained decentralized level and the central level, which brings together many more human resources management specialists. To solve this problem, a technical assistance mission was required to train BRHs in strategic human resources management.


To find a solution to the lack of qualification of the BRH in terms of human resources management, Youmann firm has implemented the following activities:
– Realization of the skills assessment of all targeted agents;
– Inventory of specific training needs in strategic HR management;
– Design and deployment of the training program;
– Coaching of beneficiaries for the appropriation and deployment of tools;
– Analysis of strategic HR issues of deconcentrated services;
– development of professional projects to stimulate change;
– Assessment of transfer of prior learning and validation of skills acquired;
– Establishment of a digital platform for online training.


At the end of the activities implemented in the framework of capacity building in HRM of the deconcentrated staff of the MEN, the following results were noted:
– Pedagogical learning implemented;
– Institutional and strategic HR tools put in place (workforce plan and human resources forecasting plan, recruitment plan and job and HR management master plan);
– updated personnel file;
– Assessment of skills performed on each agent;
– Reinforcement program designed and validated by the MEN;
– Training sessions held;
– Dashboards and HR reporting developed and used by agents;
– Assessment system of the skills of the administrative agents set up;
– Alignment of achievements and professional practices on the HRIS of the MEN.